Join us this week as Pastor Mike begins a new series diving into the book of Daniel called Brave By Faith.

This week we are going to re-visit in a way our vision, where we are and have journeyed since January 8 of this year. God has done and continues to do amazing things here at the Rock. My hope and focus is always to make much of Jesus and engage the world in which He has set us down.

This week at COTR, we will finish up our mini-series on Jonah. Last week, we looked at “typecast” – how our opinions and stereotypes can cause us to unfairly judge and treat other people. This week, I want to give us all a chance to draw a line in the sand, and leave at the altar our tendency to do this.

This week and next we will be taking a look through the book of Jonah. Jonah had a difficult time knowing how to treat others that not only did not look, act, or believe like he did, but also had a hard time not placing them into the category of unworthy. This led to all sorts of problems and issues for him! As we look at Jonah, we will also look at ourselves. How are we like him, and unlike him? What can we do to protect ourselves from stereotyping others? We will look together.

This Sunday we come to the end of this letter to the Hebrew Church, and it has been quite a journey. One in which we discovered that Jesus is better than anything or anyone this world has to offer. We found that journeying together and gathering in community is the best way to travel and live. We’ve found that to be true because of all the mountain tops and the valleys in life. The challenges and burdens are much lighter when we have friends to help carry them through prayer and encouragement. 

Today we are going to look at remembering our leaders whom the Lord has given to us and put over us.

This week we will be looking at how we honor marriage. Having established what Biblical marriage is by way of a creation covenant, we are going to walk through just how a husband and wife work out that life-long journey together, and just what picture is being painted as the “mystery” of marriage is walked out.

One of the things that is unique to Christianity is that we are promised not only resurrection from the dead, but a brand new world. The Bible calls it the New Heavens and the New Earth. We get a small picture of this as we look at these verses in Hebrews. We discover that Mount Sinai was a reality for the people of Israel, but it was a pointer forward to the time and place where God Himself would be approachable and available to us all. Jesus made that possible.

This week, as we continue through the twelfth chapter of Hebrews, we are going to learn what good biblical behavior looks like by way of encouragement, extending grace, and keeping oneself in Christ.

I am looking very forward to this coming Sunday as I get to be back in the pulpit and we begin looking at Hebrews 12. The writer begins, most especially with verses 1-2, to really make clear how we can and should live the life of faith as we journey in our world. We are to look to Jesus in everything and for everything.