This Sunday we have Parks Pearce bringing the message for us here at The Rock. He will be talking about the Lord being our Good Shepherd.

This week we come to the end of Chapter 11 and the heroes of the faith. We are going to focus on Rahab and her journey as well as looking at the ups and downs of the Christian journey. We see, as we close out this chapter, that both triumphs and tragedies will visit us all. It is a very clear text for us and one through which we can find great encouragement.

As we continue this week in chapter 11 of Hebrews our focus is from fear to faith. We will see that Moses knew what to do and when, but at times struggled with “moving the ball”, even with the Egyptians behind them. A lesson I want us all to take away from today as we unpack our text is that the faith journey, once again, always grows forward.

This Sunday is Father’s Day, and I want to wish all the dads a very happy one. This week we begin our journey through Hebrews chapter 11 and the heroes of faith. We are going to look at Abraham and his calling to “Go forth”, and what that meant for his family, the culture around him, and ultimately humanity.

This weekend we take a look at a difficult passage of scripture. In part because some is hard to map out and then unpack, and some is a clear call to hold the line when the Church becomes the object of cultural persecution. This will help us to see the heroes of the faith from chapter 11 in a new light and encouraging way.

This week we officially turn the corner in the letter to the Hebrews and get into our tasks in time as Christians in God’s good world. The writer gives us three let us statements that will help us as we look to be conformed to Jesus and stay on task here as a community and as individuals wherever God has sat us down.

This Sunday we will begin to turn the corner from all that Jesus has done and begin to look at what our responsibilities as followers of Jesus are to be. We are going to look at what it means to be sanctified In Christ, and also, how we are still being sanctified by the Holy Spirit as we live out this Christ-centered life in this world.

This week we will spend some time looking at the return of Jesus and what the Writer to the Hebrews had to say about that. The Blessed Hope of the Church is the return of the King when Jesus comes back and sets His kingdom up. From the outside looking in, that may seem a bit strange and almost like a Hollywood movie, but it’s a promise God made to His people.

This Sunday we will be looking at the life of Miriam and how God used her in His redemptive plan, along with her brothers Moses, and Aaron. Don’t you love how God calls and equips each of us uniquely, inviting us to join Him where He is working? We however are not meant to fulfill God’s plan alone, but together. This is beautifully illustrated in the life of Miriam.

This Sunday we are going to look at some things that in 2023 would seem a bit strange. The sacrifices of the Jewish Passover festival, and then talk about how and why they are important to us in light of who Jesus is and what He has done for us. This shedding of blood for the forgiveness of sin is actually very important to understand.